Garden of dreams – Jardin des rêves

A Journey of Enlightenment through Lifetimes

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STORY- Lumières du karma

J’assistais à une conférence d’un ami la semaine dernière et je tombai sur une médium karmique d’origine asiatique , spécialisée dans la lecture du Livre de Vie , vous savez les annales akashiques, etc. Ce qui me frappait, c’est que nous avions nombre de références en commun, acquises lors de séjours en pays anglophones: Van Praagh, Chopra, Soshanna.

Walking In A Bluebonnet Field | Texas

Je décidai d’en profiter pour solliciter un rdv téléphonique pour voir. En effet, je me posais des questions sur les twin flames, dont je parlais récemment. Or, je ne trouvais personne de sérieux sur le sujet en France et je ne me voyais pas aller chercher quelqu’un aux USA. Et c’est toujours utile de pouvoir consulter un tiers sur son propre Livre de Vie. Cela donne une canalisation plus neutre.

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STORY- A little communication with an agitated boy

Things have been evolving very fast in my life since my soulmate and temporary  spiritual guide Dave ‘s visit from April to June. I have not blogged a lot since I was very busy working on my psyche and testing my psychic connection. I will tell one day how we worked together and what he reminded me of. It was painful at first, then I understood the teachings  he was assigned to convey to me.


Dave was instrumental in helping me to unveil my psychic abilities and to transcend my ego issues . It has been an endless revelation. I am now in full momentum, studying and testing myself and the connection everyday. As James Van Praagh puts it  » Earth is a classroom and you will be tested everyday ».

Now that Dave has achieved wonderfully his mission, I am emerging from July and August with new abilites and new life orientations. My objectives are now to honour my soul group on earth and in heaven, and embrace my destiny, being of service to others and to the Universe.

Trusting the Universe is so much more simple than being afraid of losing control. Why not just trust the Universe and your guides ?

That’s what I am living now and I wish to share with you a little story that happened to me this afternoon.

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